
Lent for Everyone: Mark, Year B is unavailable, but you can change that!

This volume focuses on the Gospel of Mark, taking the reader through the designated lectionary readings for every day of Lent and Easter. The New Testament passages are done by N. T. Wright, and each extract is followed by a freshly written reflection and a prayer that will encourage readers to ponder the relevance of Mark’s Gospel for their own lives. Lent for Everyone: Mark Year B is an ideal...

invent ‘testimony’ to Jesus from the lips of highly disturbed individuals.) For Mark, and I suggest for us, stories like this should flag up the fact that there are many things in the world that appear to go horribly wrong which the best brains we have can’t even analyse, let alone solve. The experience of terrifying and inhumane regimes around the world over the last century teaches us that forces can be unleashed which make people do unimaginably terrible things to one another. And all this has
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